OpenPlant Support Engineering Help

Column Details Dialog

Used to set up the data fields for database to tag conversion.

Name Lists the name of the data field.
Type Lists the type of data.
Add to set Click to create a tag data definition for the highlighted data selection.
Attach Click to load all data associated with the highlighted field into the design file's Tag Data set and link it to the appropriate graphic elements.
Display Click to display the text of the loaded data.
Cancel Closes the dialog without saving the data.

Each action is dependent on the previous selection. This means you cannot select the Attach option unless you have already selected the Add to Set option. The same goes for the Display option which requires the selection of the Attach option.

By unchecking the Add to Set option the selected data column will not be imported into the tag data set.

Note: By default, DBTOTAG creates a tag definition and loads its data for every data field found in the source dataset. In most cases, you will want to adjust the data fields to eliminate unneeded data. Keep in mind that your design file will expand in size to accommodate the new tag data so paring down the initial set of data is important.